3.4.2 * feature: domain grouping for cluster added * feature: cluster auto balancing added * feature: automatically disable failed cluster nodes * bugfix: minor fix in alerting with phrases * bugfix: fixed serious bug in relevance calculation algorithm * bugfix: fixed minor bug in temporary bucket handling in matrix deamon * feature: slightly improved similar search performance and returned data accuracy * bugfix: fixed minor bug in connection handling * feature: ability to define cluster node as "backup" ============================================================= 3.4.1 * feature: document deletion improved, word count update added * bugfix: cluster similar search errors on very large documents * bugfix: small fixes in cluster similar search error messages * feature: out of memory situation handling improved * bugfix: matrix deamon crashes in rear cases * feature: wildcards in alerting improved * bugfix: search proces causing high load in rear situations ============================================================= 3.4.0 Complete upgrade of all libraries to latest versions. * bugfix: cluster search now returns problems tag * feature: C++ exception handling improved * bugfix: cluster search result sorting by rating in rear cases returned incorect results * feature: cluster status command improved * feature: index command improved not to slow down inserts * bugfix: text parser segmentation faults in rear cases * bugfix: cluster search returned incorrect more tag * bugfix: list-last command returned invalid to and from tags * feature: application tag handling in cluster improved * bugfix: double execution of alerting commands in rear cases * feature: list-last command for cluster created * feature: complete rewrite of similar command for cluster, lots of improvements * bugfix: document policy weight parsing fixed * bugfix: minor bugs in similar command fixed * feature: alternatives command in cluster improved * bugfix: incorrect storage state save for crash safety fixes * feature: crash safety improvements in document and dictionary daemons * feature: select command for cluster added ============================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================= 3.3.22-2 * bugfix: fixed policy weight parsing when only one value was defined ============================================================= 3.3.22 * bugfix: fixed clear command for cluster mirror nodes * feature: error handling in cluster improved * feature: alternatives command handling in cluster improved ============================================================= 3.3.21 * bugfix: fixed select command to return correct from and to tags * bugfix: fixed clear command to clear numeric lookup tables * bugfix: fixed search for phrases with numbers and/or dates * bugfix: fixed select command wildcard matching * feature: cluster support for siets-load tool * feature: numerous improvements in crash-safety during indexing * bugfix: fixed background indexing slowing down command processing * bugfix: fixed similar command ============================================================= 3.3.20 * feature: ability to turn off date and/or numer indexing and searhing * bugfix: added command 'select' to API GET method * bugfix: fixed command 'similar' realisation in API GET method * feature: added ability to turn on/off snippet and highlight during search * bugfix: small fixes in date parsing * feature: ability to display begining of text, is snippet cannot be composed * feature: ability to customize xml tag highlighting * bugfix: fixed snippet and highlight if xml tags are specified close to plain text query ============================================================= 3.3.19 * bugfix: whitespace in numeric search * bugfix: memory leaks in alert handling and command dispatcher * bugfix: national search not searching all words * bugfix: adding alert with frequent (ignored) word * feature: alert handling improved * feature: clear command clears alerts as well * bugfix: error messages in alerting * feature: document parsing timeout created * bugfix: command dispatcher hanging fixed under heavy load * bugfix: search with all negative terms ============================================================= 3.3.18 * feature: support for indexing of UCS graphical signs (internationalization issue) * bugfix: document deletion after clear command * bugfix: problems in alerting (phrases in combination with nested operations) ============================================================= 3.3.17 * bugfix: case sensitivity fixed in alerting * bugfix: cluster result composition fixed (bug introduced in 3.3.15) * feature: in alerting - filter expression returned along with trigger id ============================================================= 3.3.16 * bugfix: growing repository (DOC) buckets * bugfix: locking issues * bugfix: search for a last word in document caused error in some cases ============================================================= 3.3.15 * bugfix: memory leak in recover command for deleted documents * bugfix: word count overflow * feature: .NET interface added to API ============================================================= 3.3.14 * bugfix: temporary bucket handling which could cause index corruptions due to restarts during indexing * feature: delete and update commands optimized * bugfix: stemming fixed (bug introduced in 3.3.12) ============================================================= 3.3.13 * bugfix: date/number parsing searched incorrectly in case of specsymbol overload * bugfix: NOT operation and phreses in alerting fixed ============================================================= 3.3.12 * bugfix: date/number parsing caused crashes in rear cases * feature: alerting (beta testing) ============================================================= 3.3.11 * feature: XML-drilldown functionality (beta testing) * bugfix: fixed unremoved lock in timeout situation ============================================================= 3.3.10 * feature: date range searches available * bugfix: performance issue concerning large data-sets in search-ids command (affecting cluster version as well) * bugfix: siets-load produced fake error messages in log file * bugfix: ascending order for interval filters in numeric search ============================================================= 3.3.9 * bugfix: bugs regarding indexing fixed (problem fixed in v3.3.7 intorduced another problem) * bugfix: some bugs in cluster result merging fixed (in case if not all nodes has results and tag value) ============================================================= 3.3.8 * bugfix: returning result above 1000 if max_resultset is configured ============================================================= 3.3.7 * bugfix: deleting large volumes of data caused crashes in some cases * bugfix: result relevancy ordering fixed (was incorrect with custom weight tags and OR boolean expression in some cases) ============================================================= 3.3.6 * bugfix: locking revisited (issues on dual-processor servers) ============================================================= 3.3.5 * bugfix: critical bugs fixed in number parsing, date searches freezed ============================================================= 3.3.4 (not released due to critical bugs) * feature: application tag as HTTP GET parameter * bugfix: similar document search returned irrelevant results in some cases (since 3.2.8) * bugfix: numeric and data indexing - produced invalid lookup tables (harmless but taking disk space) ============================================================= 3.3.3-2 * bugfix: search for month abreviation 'jan', 'feb', ... together with stemming ============================================================= 3.3.3 * removed dependecy from libunicode * bugfix: few words were lost from index in case of restart of server without clean shutdown during indexing * bugfix: in very rear cases docd failed on large (100 on page) result sets * feature: date range searches added ============================================================= 3.3.2 * API for numeric searches is fully developed and complient with documentation. * Tag compression added. Useful for small or tag-intensive documents. * Merged with bugfixes form 3.2.10 ============================================================= 3.3.1 (beta) Lots of bug fixes and optimisation. Note: data format for range-searches not compatible to that of previous version. ============================================================= 3.3.0 (alfa) Branch from 3.2.9. Added functionality: numeric range searches. This version is alfa test release. ============================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================= 3.2.10 * bugfix in process queue (maximum parallel process constrain accessing inverted index) under transaction overload ============================================================= 3.2.9 * bug in cluster result merging fixed (resulting incorrect ordering searching with relevance and wihout domain grouping) * bugs fixed in integrated file conversion * LIST-LAST command added to list documents in physical order ============================================================= 3.2.8 * stability improvements (timeouts in mtxd, maximum parallel process limit and transaction queueing) * word stemming fixed (for multi-word queries) * memory leak in STATUS command fixed * integrated file convertion from binary file formats to Siets XML document implemented in API ============================================================= 3.2.7 * config parameter override form API commands added * config parameter added for minimum length of wildcar pattern prefix * bug fixed in tag: fixed to work properly also with meta-tagging ============================================================= 3.2.6 1) SELECT command was added to retrieve document IDs matching given wildcard pattern 2) following bugs were fixed: * snipperts and highlighing with word stemming feature - all word forms now are highlighted * whitespace in document IDs, before this documents that contained whitespace in IDs was lost after restart of server instance resulting in failures of RETRIEVE and DELETE of these documents * memory leak in dispd (cluster version dispathcer) * wildcard pattern search in meta tags corrected * memory leas in docd, affecting UPDATE and DELETE commands ============================================================= 3.2.5 * bugs fixed in SIMILAR command * connection timeouts revised - works correctly in all situations